Tarot Reading for 2025/01/01
My question to the cards is: What can I do to make sure the table-top games I'm running succeed?
The Past
I drew the Two of Wands. It's distructive will tells me that the thing preventing me from moving forward was cleared away. In my case, it was my own overthinking (as per usual). I was worried that I would not find people interested in playing the games I wished to play. However, living in a city as I do. There are so many people that it was silly for me to think that. It was actually pretty easy to find interested playters.
The Present
I drew The Lovers. This being Thoth tarot, it's about choice and openness to inspiration. The card is about bringing opposites together through open communication. In that regard, I need to stay open minded, listen thoughtfully, and reply in kind. I'm working with players of various experience. For one game, all of them are brand new friends. People I've only spoken to brienfly at this point. For another, they are old friends who've only played an RPG once before. They'll bring their own ideas to the table, and I need to keep those in mind as I come up with my own.
Which, honestly, is what any decent GM should do, and what I'm trying real hard to get right.
The Future
I drew the Ten of Cups. The lotus in this card is filling the cups to overflowing. I have have two games that I am running as the game master, and a third that I plan to schedule. This card is warning me that I should be careful about putting too much on my plate in my thirst for wanting to play more games and not have things become stale. In trying to make it all work, I could overload my ability to keep schedules and promises, and make some or all of the games fall apart. Which, honestly, is something I am known to do.